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Paulina Bradūnaitė

Tactile music player that can be used by the deaf

What we did:

# Product research
# Market analysis
# 3D design
# Description of production technologies
# Selection of materials and components
# Prototype production
# Testing

The brief

We perceive music as a collection of sounds that evoke certain emotions or enhance them. This work attempts to present music in a different way. It explores how music can be conveyed through vibrations (bone conduction) and what discoveries or inventions have already been made related to music and its transmission, not just through sounds as we understand them. The goal of this work is to create a prototype of a tactile player that could be used and developed by individuals. The work won a prize at the Lithuanian National Competition ‘Good Design.’

Student: Paulina Bradūnaitė
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Donaldas Andziulis, VilniusTech University, Department of Design
Keywords: bone conduction, music player, Baltic futurism, deaf, inclusive design, vibrations, tactile player project.

Design Concept

The desire to create a product that will make life easier for people with disabilities is an excellent initiative by the student. The idea of looking at music in a different way – seeking alternative methods of its transmission – is interesting and innovative.

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